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Sister Board Meeting

Sister Lupita
Sister Lupita

I was acting secretary, which was an actual role that normally only a sister assumes.? I was rather pleased that I was given the duties.? Sister Lupita is the actual Mistress of Ink and will oversee my role.? I spoke with several sisters about actually becoming a sister myself.? Currently I am a Guard.? I have been for about 4 years.? And , although, usually a Guard eventually has the calling to become a Sister, I am not sure if that is what I want at this time.? The reason being, I am allowed to be a photographer as well as a Guard when at events.? One of the sisters was not sure that would be appropriate if I became a sister.? But a few other sisters thought that creative expression might be considered a service to the house.? More discussion is needed, obviously.? But for now I am just going to be a Guard who takes the minutes at the meetings.

About Tobacco Today

Supreme Court Allows Law Suits Over Cigarette Marketing

I am getting great support from friends and even people over the internet I do not know personally, whom have also had the difficult task of quitting smoking.? I am pleased to report I have quit and plan never to pick up another smoke again in my life.? Why you ask?? Because there is no benefits to smoking.? The only reason tobacco companies actually still exist and profit, is from their devious marketing tactics.? Did you know there are more toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke than there are in car exhaust fumes?? Think of it this way.? Would you suck on a car muffler pipe?? Of course you wouldn’t.? So then why do we keep buying cigarettes?? Because nicotine is more powerfully addictive than even heroin.? I spoke to one friend, whom I will not name, but who was a needle drug user.? He said he quit using heroin easier than quitting smoking.? Can you imagine?? I also feel the health benefits finally to not smoking.? I can taste food better.? I have a better sense of smell, and I get sick less often with colds and such.? So if you smoke, you might consider what I have said previously.? The only thing you do by smoking is harm your body and give money to tobacco companies that profit from your addiction.? Think it over.? Blessings and Light.


Upgrade to WordPress 2.7

me me and me

I figured why not, it appears this will be almost the final version used according to their blog so worst case, I revert back, but unlikely, since so far seems great.? Only thing that didnt seem to work was media image insertion with flash player, maybe due to flash 10 update.? Going to try right now. Yep works!? Sweet.? Final 2.7 released.? Did the update/upgrade automatically.? Very nice change to the process.