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Got My Stimulus Check

I am not rich but I can at least afford a quick trip someplace for fun and relaxation.? I am planning on visiting my friend in Seattle.? It has been quite a long time since I have been there.? I understand it is a great city.? Knowing myself, I probably will not want to leave once I get there.? We shall see.? It does rain there most of the year, and I have gotten quite spoiled with the sunshine in Los Angeles.? The only trade-off for this town….empty people.? Ah well. C’est la vie.

Lost Boys Movie

Thought it was appropriate to watch this movie again since I am once again getting another blood transfusion.? I am hopeful this is the last time that the stupid doctor error gets in the way of me having a better life.? I am in process of trying to make him pay for his error.? We shall see how that all turns out in a few months.

Upgraded WordPress to 2.6

This went fairly smoothly.? Delete a few folders, upload, reactivate a few plugins.? Done.

Made a new cartoon

Since I changed my hair color thought I would draw a new cartoon.? It is a little grainy but came out okay.