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Redid Hair and Going to Doctor

Willy Wonka
Shot from Willy Wonka, a classic film (Gene Wilder)
guess who

I got up early to redo the hawk, and I have a doctor visit scheduled.? My poor tummy just will not work right.? I have been going to a gastro doc for a few years.? He is a good guy, and has put me on this drug to help.? He claims there is no data to support a correlation between dietary restrictions/changes with problems during digestion(Crohn’s disease specifically).? However after several years of messing around with my own diet, I have come to the conclusion that two things are bad for my stomach.? First, red meat.? Terrible repercussions if I have any form of this.? Second, dairy.? Eat a big hunk of cheese, and well, lets just say, not pretty.? I also think it is best for me to keep my intake of chicken and turkey limited too.? I have wavered back and forth between being a vegetarian for a while now.? Not really due to the moral implications, but rather just simply due to my own health.? It is more difficult to find alternative sources of protein , but it is easier to do in California than say in Missouri :)? So wish me luck at the doctor.? More later.

Americana Mall

I went to visit this mall again, do not know why, bored I guess.? It is fancy and up-scale but the apartments above are extremely over priced.? A one bedroom starts at 3 grand.? Who would pay that to live in frigging Glendale?

Kai Ford at Porn Star Alley 016

Kai Ford at Porn Star Alley 016, originally uploaded by Photo Larry.

Doesnt he have the brightest smile you ever saw? I need to go photo more porn dudes next week.

Feeling rather Blah today

The sun is out, and the weather is nice.? But I just am in this funk and cant seem to shake out of the ickypoo mood that has lasted for days now.? Not sure what the problem could be.? Maybe it is that I need to start back into doing more photography.? Who knows.? I just know I have been rather , well, blah feeling lately.