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Sister Erotica and Eric

Hamburger Mary Kareoke 23, originally uploaded by Photo Larry.

I have not gone to a sister function in a few weeks. I need to get my act together. I was contemplating going to Long Beach Pride this weekend but have decided that I am not attending for a few reasons. First, the pride festival is for-profit and not for charity. And second, I really do not wish to go so late night way to long beach just to see Sheena Easton and ride that horrible blue line home at 11pm in white face. Hoping my fellow sisters will forgive me.

I can breathe again

I think my head cold has subsided thank goodness.? I felt like a steaming pile of poo over the weekend.? I guess taking all that Vitamin C and drinking tons of OJ was helpful after all. I really need to quit smoking at night time as I know it kills my ability to sleep. Not to mention it is bad for my lungs.? And I am sure it made my cold last longer than normal.

Happy Friday

I went yesterday for a quick photo shoot with an old classmate named Ben.? He shot a bunch of pics of me for an article which is to run in a college newspaper next week.? Once I get the text, I shall post it here.? If I remember correctly from the interview he did of me last year, it was a biography type thing.