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Happy Friday

I went yesterday for a quick photo shoot with an old classmate named Ben.? He shot a bunch of pics of me for an article which is to run in a college newspaper next week.? Once I get the text, I shall post it here.? If I remember correctly from the interview he did of me last year, it was a biography type thing.

May Grey with touch of Blue

Not a lot to report. We are into what is called either May Grey or June Gloom, which basically means that it is overcast most of the day and does not get above 68 degrees usually. It is not a bad change from sunshine that we have most of the year.

Glendale Today For Americana Mall Opening

Going to check out the Americana mall which was just completed across from the Galleria in Glendale.? It was designed and built by the same company who did The Grove on 3rd.? Very upscale and pricey. Somehow they defy the economic recession.