Jackie at Dragstrip
Doesnt she look scary?
Doesnt she look scary?
Bob Cage and his daughter Laisha, 10, reach about 180 feet in the air as they ride the “Human Slingshot Ejection Seat” bungee ride at the Montana State Fair in Great Falls, Mont., Friday, Aug. 3, 2007. The ride features two high strength bungee cords tied to a steel cage which rocket the riders 180 feet straight into the air. (Robin Loznak/AP)
I have done a lot of changes to my website, my blog, and have a new hosting company since yahoo sux. Please have a look around and give me any feedback you like.? I fixed permalinks by migrating to a new host.? Yay.
OMG, I cannot believe this actually worked and I didnt have to panic. I went to IRC and asked some people for hand holding as I did it. But it went pretty smoothly. I guess perhaps last time I tried this and it failed that I did something in the process incorrectly. Anyhow, welcome to my new and improved blog! A side note, the permalinks no longer work so I have disabled that feature, if someone knows how to repair it, let me know 🙂
I went to lunch at a shopping mall and saw one of those fun photo booths so I just had to do a fun photo strip. I have not done one in a long time.
I love this show! Its very creative, well acted, and well written. I am not usually one to promote anything out of hollywood by way of television or film, but this show is really something special. I recommend visiting the website to review past episodes if you are new to the show. It is a serial in format so each show builds on the next. It currently is in second season with four shows available. Heroes on NBC