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After GayVN Awards

I had a nice time at AVN after party at Abbey. Still casually looking for new place to live but no real leads at this time. Dragstrip is tomorrow night. I told Eddie I would go with him and his Mom to garment district before hand. That is if I can get up early enough. Oh, I went to Hot Rod but did not take my camera. I was bummed because the bartenders were all made up and the performers were good. Ah well, there is always next week.

Mickys Play

Arent his panties cute?

Photos N Stuff

I had fun last night at Mickys as you can see from the photo. I looked at a few places and have started a casual search of apartments or roomie type things. I have time and have decided not to stress about it anymore. I figure over next several months, something should fall into place. Until then, I am focusing on friends and photography and charity work. I am trying to arrange to go see the Gay AVN awards tomorrow night at Rage. It would make for some good PR and photos. I think they turned down IN mag staff but I am going to see if Bobby will let me up in the DJ booth. I should know by tomorrow. I might stop by Hot Rod since I missed it last week. Oh, the ARA Artseen show was fun and Mark took funny pics of me in the “pill ride” sculpture.

Mickys Play

Boys having fun on the dance floor