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New Astrology for Larry

This astrology combines western and eastern astrology. I think it is very interesting. Here is my combo sign:

The Sagittarius/Dragon

Unafraid to shine a beacon into the darkest corners of life, this Dragon most always succeeds at building a stimulating life. These people court danger, but are rarely injured. Sentimental and caring, this Sagittarius delivers on all promises.


An admirable but not always gentle character, the Sagittarius/Dragon is a warrior on the grand scale. These people are attractive and ambitious. They believe in success and forge ahead with bravura toward that aim. Never bullish or hotheaded, this character’s style is gentlemanly and dignified. Sagittarius/Dragons are not afraid of danger. They take great risks and even court peril. They dance around the flame of adventure and derring-do but they rarely get seriously burned. Dragons born in Sagittarius outwit their enemies, hoist them on their own petards and invite them to lunch the next day. Victory, after all, calls for a celebration. Nobody can match this fire-breathing powerhouse in the bedroom. Being sentimental, he or she makes much of marriage and proves an excellent parent. He likes a busy life, crowded with kin and festivity. These crowds are never invited to the bedroom. The Sag/Dragon is an arch romantic. A thousand candles lit in honor of one sexual exploit could never be enough.


Wood is characterized by the color green. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Wood’s influence affects the liver, the gallbladder and, by extension, the digestion. Wood needs moisture to thrive. Its two opposite yet equally emotional forces are rage and altruism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious.

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RIP Farrah Fawcett


After a three year battle with cancer, this icon has died.? Here is the news story

The famous swimsuit photo taken by Bruce McBroom sold over 8 million copies and started a hairstyle trend for both men and women. Her career was limited on television and film but she was an iconic figure nonetheless.