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Drag Queen

RuPaul and GLC Anniv

I relaxed after halloween and did not work any photo events until last night when I did two. First was the Gay Lesbian Center 34th Anniversary at Hyatt Century City. I got some nice celeb pics as well as naked boys and fun painted boys. Then I went to Factory for Club Gay USA opening with RuPaul. I got some nice shots of her.

Dragstrip and Spirit of Hope

I had a very nice time at Paige and Jeff’s wedding. Larry went along with me as an assistant and drove me around. It was very nice of him. I plan on editing the wedding photos tomorrow. Paige returns from honeymoon in 2 weeks so no rush. Dragstrip was slow but somehow I got over 90 pictures. Then there was a moving Spirit of Hope awards for Being Alive. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence along with Estelle Harris were hosts. It was a very nice ceremony.


Had a nice time at mickys for the drag show. Will was a guest and had a good time. Today am having some computer problems but am trying to work that out with microsoft. I had to skip the astrology meeting. Oh well.

Dragstrip Toga Party

The weekend was nice with Dragstrip being the highlight on saturday night. I got there early and was expecting that the ramada idea was gonna flop. But somehow it worked out great. And that is a good thing. They may even keep the venue permanent. Here are a few pics from the night. You can see all of them at

Quiet Weekend and Mickys Showgirls

I ended up not attending the rodeo. And I had a nice relaxing weekend for most part. I went last night to see the drag show and the newest performer was very good. Her outfits were really very creative. Here is a sample.