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RuPaul and GLC Anniv

I relaxed after halloween and did not work any photo events until last night when I did two. First was the Gay Lesbian Center 34th Anniversary at Hyatt Century City. I got some nice celeb pics as well as naked boys and fun painted boys. Then I went to Factory for Club Gay USA opening with RuPaul. I got some nice shots of her.


I had a nice time with my folks, sister, nieces and am back in LA. I still am trying to find an apartment, so if anyone knows of a nice studio near weho, please let me know. Here are some pics from last night and my trip over the weekend.

Spit and Sunday

Quiet for the most part at Spit and today I am not going out. Here are a few pics from last night.

Brothers for Sisters

Had a nice time last night at fund raiser for women’s cancer which one of the sisters headed up. As always, they looked great.

Mickys and Getty

Its been an interesting start of the week. I did not go out for the show on monday. Yesterday I did my 104th week at ‘play’ night. Still getting good shots so I guess I know what I am doing 🙂 Today I went to the Getty to see two exhibits of photos.