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Christian’s Birthday Party

Christian in his slicker
Christian in his slicker
Headshot of Christian
Headshot of Christian
Momma with balloons
Momma with balloons
Momma, Christian, and friend
Momma, Christian, and friend
Momma with flowers
Momma with tulips
Christian blowing out candles
Christian blowing out candles
Christian holding fake saw
Christian holding fake saw
Licking the bloody saw
Licking the bloody saw
Feeding him some cake
Feeding him some cake

I had not seen my friend Christian in a while since he is working and going to school and keeps very busy. So when he invited me to this birthday party, I decided it would be a good chance to see him. It was a fun theme as you can see from the photos. My friend Momma also joined in on the fun. Made me remember what it was like to go out to clubs but still glad I do not do it frequently.

Cubs game in Pasadena

Cub pitcher during practice

Line up during national anthem

Number 9 , Nathan Metroka swings

Sliding into 3rd base

Number 4, Jacob King swings

Nathan after a swing

I had an assignment to shoot a sporting event. So since I have not done this before, I decided it would be best to go to a college game with easier access. I actually had a good time and learned a little about shooting this type of event.

Sister Bingo

Sister Unity Devine

Guard Forbid

Postulant Perky

I dropped by Sister Bingo and did not have my pro camera so of course I had my little travel one. Everyone kept asking me if that was my replacement camera or what. Funny how I am associated with the camera everywhere I go. I guess that is a good thing.

Cocktails without Brad

Brad Rock did not show up and that was disappointing since I was looking forward to it. However the models from FabScout came on stage and saved the show. Thank you Howard. A few porn guys were in the audience as well. The photos above are all Howard’s models. I have to say it was funny how the little blond from missouri who said he was married with kids seemed like a total mary! After all these years, I still do not understand why men or women cannot just be themselves sexually.