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Night Club

Mickys Play

The club was kinda slow and no dance contest but I still got good photos. I am really nervous about moving tomorrow but will just have to deal with it. Nothing exciting to report. I may not be able to blog for a few days as internet will be shut off tomorrow until probably Monday. Update to come soon.

Mickys Play

Dancer has a good time with the crowd

Mickys Play

Kid at Mickys

Mickys and Website

I had okay time last night and got good pics. I also determined a way to redirect my website to include the www. It was confusing how my host was allowing without the three w at the beginning. I have it all fixed now and think it will be easier now to keep stats. Also learned a little javascript. Still trying to find a new place to live in west hollywood and not having any luck. If anyone reads this and knows a person looking for a roommate in west hollywood who is honest and stable, please let me know.