Long Beach with Jonathan

I spent the day with a new friend, whom I did not photograph, for some unknown reason.? We explored Long Beach and the area called Belmont Shore.? We stopped into a cafe and this very eccentric lady started talking to us.? She was totally drunk but a gas nonetheless.? I must admit that the reaction she gave to my appearance was totally uncommon.? The variety of responses which I get range from total shock to total boredom and lack of interest.? However her interest was merely that of fascination in my creativity, perhaps.? After that, we went back to the downtown area, and checked out the touristy area by the ocean.? Finally went back into downtown and connected up the laptop at Borders.? Showed him some of my photo work which he appreciated.? Jonathan just moved to Long Beach from Texas and does not really know anyone in the area yet.? I liked him, and hope we can hang out again.? I enjoyed his company.? He allowed me to look at his astrological chart.? There were some interesting things but I won’t share here since he probably does not wish me to share with everyone.