Eight Wiccan Sabbats
The Sabbats
Samhain | Oct. 31 | Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Samana, Strega | |
Samhain is a time of remembrance of those who have passed into the next life. It is a time when the veil that separates the seen from the unseen is at it’s thinnest. During Samhain it is very easy to communicate with those “other” realms. Divination comes easy at this time of year. |
Yule | Approx. Dec. 21 | Winter Solstice | |
Yule is the celebration of the rebirth of the God who died at Lammas. Yule is a dark time. During this time of the year we await the return of light. |
Imbolc | Feb. 1 or 2 | Imbolg, Candlemas, Oimbolc, Brigantia, Imbolic | |
Imbolc is a happy time. It is the return of light to world as we leave the dark winter. It is also a time to honour the goddess Brigid (pronounced breed) |
Ostara | Approx. Mar. 20 | Spring Equinox | |
Ostara marks the first true day of spring. The Goddess blankets the Earth with fertility, bursting forth from her sleep, as the God stretches and grows to maturity. He walks the greening fields and delights in the abundance of Nature. |
Beltane | May. 1 | May Day, May Eve | |
Beltane is celebrating the union of the Goddess and God, and thus is also a fertility festival. Also celebrates the returning sun (or Sun God). |
Litha | Approx. June. 20 | Summer Solstice, Midsummer | |
Litha is when the time for play starts to wane and the time for study starts to wax. At this time of year the Goddess enters her mother aspect. |
Lughnasadh | Aug 1 | Lammas, Lughnasa | |
Lugnasadh Is a time of mourning because of the passing of the God. It is a time of remembrance of all that the God has given you that year, and it is the time of the first harvest. |
Mabon | Approx. Sept. 22 | Fall Equinox, Autumn Equinox | |
Mabon is the time of the final harvest of crops. It is a time of rest and a time of balance, because day and night are of equal length. |