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Weekend in Valley

Colorful Grandma by Gregory Heisler
dscn2242_resize.JPGFor some reason I felt like getting out of the city and going to the valley for a few days so I jumped on the orange line and came to Woodland Hills. It is rainy and cold so I am inside anyhow so it does not make a lot of difference. Just seems to be good for me to travel out from time to time to remote areas of town.

Trying out FLOCK Browser

I downloaded Flock which basically is a firefox browser with some extensions for many services such as facebook and flickr. To learn more, visit

Trip to Malibu


Took a short trip to Malibu just for fun. It was rainy so I did not get to really take many photos. I was surprised that there are a ton of homeless in the area too. I would think such an affluent neighborhood would not be afflicted. I guess all of southern california needs some kind of plan to help the homeless population.

Wish me Luck


I am giving up cigs and caffeine for good.? It screws with my ability to get a good night’s sleep and makes me irritable. ? It also gives me heartburn and acid tummy.? And since I do a healthy diet, seems reasonable I should remove these other toxins too.? I am usually not an addictive type personality but for many years I have smoked a few cigarettes at night to help me sleep.? Of course, nicotine is a stimulant so this was a bogus illusion.? And coffee and tea give you a buzz in the morning but then in the afternoon you get this slump of energy and wonder why.? So here is to my health.