Fun Photo Strips
I went to lunch at a shopping mall and saw one of those fun photo booths so I just had to do a fun photo strip. I have not done one in a long time.
I went to lunch at a shopping mall and saw one of those fun photo booths so I just had to do a fun photo strip. I have not done one in a long time.
I love this show! Its very creative, well acted, and well written. I am not usually one to promote anything out of hollywood by way of television or film, but this show is really something special. I recommend visiting the website to review past episodes if you are new to the show. It is a serial in format so each show builds on the next. It currently is in second season with four shows available. Heroes on NBC
Okay this guy is getting way too much media coverage. First, its time for people in powerful positions to stand up and say they have sexual differences. Do not be ashamed, put down the damn bible and stand up for your rights. Its 2007 and time to change the way we look at this country. Men need to be more comfortable with their sexuality no matter what mix it might be. Do not get on national television with your stupid hillbilly wife and take back your statement that you were caught in a common bathroom engaged in homosexual acts. Be a man, resign, find yourself a nice young man to take under your wing, and go forward. Quit lying to the press and everyone else. Its pathetic. It is why this country is doomed if we do not start to make changes fast. Read this article. Hypocrit Article in news
Fountain and mural at center of town showing history
Aquaduct for washing clothes
Fountain and connecting aquaduct
Ventura Inn old hotel now apartments
Ventura city hall
Ventura theater
Old house now an herb store
Busy Bee diner on Main St.
Me in the booth
Doll of Michael Jackson
Vintage Posters and plaques
Vintage photos of Elvis
Old fashioned european mugs
Princess Barbie Doll
Ventura Pier
Ventura Pier
Me holding a blue parrot that a nice man put onto my arm
A Rose I picked
Awaiting the train
I went with Edna for a fun train trip to Ventura, Cali. First we took the amtrak train up there. I love riding trains! We had lunch at a fun 50s type diner. Also stopped by the beach front. Its really nice. See the pics above.