End of Week
I did not cover any photo events after tuesday and went back east to visit my family for the weekend. I am concerned because my roomie is a loose cannon, and I pray he isnt going to disturb my things while I am away. Anyway, I had a lovely time at the zoo today with my nieces. I edited a few photos I took here on my sister’s computer.
Pretty quiet. I did not do any photo events and tried to get some rest. Being that I have been looking for a new apartment, I have been quite busy. I also have been studying astrology every day trying to become an expert. Our meeting is on tuesday. I am looking forward to it. I spent the day yesterday with Larry. Enjoyed it as I always do. We bought bunches of stuff at Costco. I should hear today about the one apartment. It is without a kitchen but I think I can manage.
Beginning of Week
Monday I did not go out to any events. Tuesday I did the usual Mickys and also Sister board meeting. And yesterday I took a trip to Camarillo to see my friend Sharon. I have been using most of my free time to study astrology. She has helped since she studied it for years. She had tons of books around her house too. We had a nice lunch and she cooked dinner. It was very kind of her to be host.