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Night Club

Mickys Mardi Gras

Two drag queens are surprised
Trannie Deluxe
Destiny, Drag, Boy Meat
Can I twirl you?
Friends at club posing for my camera
I had a really fun time last night as it was Mardi Gras and the bar was stuffed. I saw several friends and people I knew and got a general good vibe from everyone. It was a good night. It was a nice change from Monday’s rain.

Mickys Play and Toaster

I forgot that I needed to post yesterday after uploading my photos from Mickys. I guess I got carried away in conversation with someone in the coffee shop where I typically work. At any rate, I had a nice time tues night and this morning got an email saying toaster magazine is live. So I went onto the site and sure enough, there was the interview of myself done by Ron. Please have a look at the following location Toaster Interview

I think he got a good idea of what I am all about. Here are a few shots from the club. It was valentines but I didnt find mine yet.

Mickys Play

I had a nice time at the club. I met some new people and ran into Adam, a friend from dragstrip that I had not seen in a few years. He looked good. I should have taken a photo of him but didnt think of it at the time. Ah well. Here are some fun ones from the contest and club.

Mickys Play

It was one of the slowest nights of the year but Bobby had the dance contest instead of wet shorts contest. Turned out okay. Some of the regular kids were there. I took some shots of this tall blond who comes often. It didnt hurt that he took his shirt off either 🙂


Nice time as usual. Slow at first then busy. Dennis asked my procedure. I told him there wasnt any magic….just wait til it is busy with cute people and photograph them. here are samples.