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Bought a Blackberry

Aint He HAWT
It works way better than an iPhone and has all same functions.? I am not sure about the whole 3G thing and if it would be faster than EDGE network…but who cares really…works just fine for me.? And I really do not need a fancy touch screen.? The crackberry is more proven technology too.? I got all kinds of apps put on there.? Even twitterberry 🙂

Afloat Sushi Bar

I went last night to this cool place for dinner.? Reasonable prices and fun environment equals great place to eat.? I like to treat myself to sushi sometimes.? It is healthy food if it is prepared right.

Progress on Malpractice Case

I have all of the medical records, wrote a killer cover letter, and am submitting them to insurance company later today.? I expect to have an answer in two or three weeks with some luck.? I also am asking them for more now that I did research and found the doctor can be charged with three total mistakes.

Slow Week So Far

Nothing exciting going on this week at all.? I am probably going to take a trip to long beach or someplace like that.? Still waiting for last of medical records which should arrive in few days.? I am so obsessed about this settlement I guess because I feel like my life was pretty lousy for several months and it was the fault of the quack doctor who owes me.? Anyhow, here is a photo Brandon’s friend took of he and I at the club.