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Book Published

Mission Station on Gold Line Train

Me on Train

My date last night….not really , it is my roomie’s Bulldog

I finally am an author! I never really thought of myself as a writer but wanted to make a photo book and sell it to the masses. Well my dream has come true. I have releases from all models and have published a 98 page photo book.

Photojournalism Lesson

Self Shot of Me

Chinatown Yellow Line Stop

The professor spoke about an expert in the area named W. Eugene Smith. The guy documented such controversial things as the KKK, the Minimata mercury poisoning incident in asia, WWII, and many others. You can read more information about the guy if you like by Clicking Here. He also was a master of composition and exposure control. The professor really thinks he is best at manipulating images without the digital age.

Downtown LA and Fire

Downtown Highrises

Fire men working on Broadway

Grand Central Market

Building on Broadway that burned

US Bank Library Tower

Entrance to subway station

Inside the station with train approaching

Private train car collection at Union Station

Guess who

I took a trip downtown for some photos and as luck would have it, there was a big fire on broadway and 4th. Not to say this is a good thing, but makes for interesting photos. I also got some really good shots of downtown buildings and trains. I am excited today for its the first day of my photojournalism class. The teacher has tons of experience in the area and taught my other class. I have experience with a few magazines so this should be a breeze. Oh just a little frustration, I take some medicines and of course I use insurance when going to the pharmacy. Well I went to get my monthly refills and the insurance company decided to change things and not pay for the most expensive one. Well I was not pleased as I have good insurance. So after yelling at the lady on the east coast, I requested the supervisor call me today. Personally I think the medical system in our country is a farce. Its based solely on profit (well as is all of the country) and only allows the insurance corporations to get wealthier instead of helping those in need of medical attention. The system in Canada is socialized and much more compassionate. I think we may lean towards that eventually as the baby boomers start getting older and the general population at the middle class level requires social reform.

Missed Dragstrip

I was feeling a little under the weather by 9pm last night and decided it would be best for me to stay home and not go out until 3am. I am sure Dan was not pleased that I canceled at the last moment. But sometimes these things happen. And to be honest, the last few dragstrips have been a bit slow. It just does not have the fresh energy it did several years ago. So, I am rested today and thus have no dragstrip photos. But here is a hard hero shot of me instead 🙂